YMCA of Central Massachusetts will send nine Worcester teens to the YMCA Love 2 Live Festival in Prague, Czech Republic. From left, John Brown, Lauren Hudson, Brian Andersen, John Cullen, Michelle Crosier and Rachel Purcell.
As many of your know we have three young staff members who have been selected to participate in our “national youth change agent program”, John Brown- Central Community Branch, Brian Anderson-Greendale Family Branch and Lauren Hudson from our Boroughs Family Branch.
They recently embarked on a trip (Prague, Czech Republic) to join other Y leaders and teens from around the world. I would like to congratulate them and their students for a job well done with the press prior to their trip and after their return. They are excellent PR students and have served our organization well by talking about the importance of the work they’ve done and will continue to do as the new year approaches.
Keep up the good work! Below are a few of the print articles.
Prague Trip Articles-