Westborough – Following a particularly successful summer camp season, the Boroughs Family Branch YMCA in Westborough is set for an approximately $4 million construction project including a two-story addition and a new outdoor aquatics center. The facility’s six-lane indoor swimming pool has been popular since the Boroughs Y opened in November 2002, noted Betsy Moquin, the director of marketing and advancement.
“The pool is really one of the hubs here at the Y that gets the most use,” she said. “Depending upon the season, we have anywhere from 1,100 to 1,300 kids a week in youth swim lessons. That doesn’t count adult lessons, water aerobics classes, lap swims and family swims. For a long time, staff observations and members’ comments have been that we need another pool.”
Read the full article at the Community Advocate here
YMCA Set To Construct Addition, Aquatics Center
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