Our Safety Measures
Online Community Center
Coronavirus Response
Thank You YMCA of Central Massachusetts Members! Your response has been overwhelming! We appreciate your support, your generosity and your notes of encouragement (right back at ya!).
From Our Members
“Keep safe and protected”
“Thank you for providing this option at such a stressful time! I was so happy with the visible precautions that the Y was doing to keep us safe in the early pandemic days (all the doors open for one thing!)”
“I miss my lap swims TERRIBLY and I am so anxious to be back! I’ve been a member for so many decades now!! This too will pass! Stay safe”
“It’s great to know my Y is a click away”
“I want to support my YMCA. Please use my monthly dues as a donation”
“Looking forward to healthier, stronger days ahead with my Y family!”
We are continuing to challenge ourselves to find more ways to support our members, participants, and staff.
Your input, suggestions, ideas and questions are welcomed.
Contact our Member Service Center:
[email protected]